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Sunrise Verde Windows Reviews
The Sunrise Verde window is nearly identical to the standard Sunrise window model, along with a few standard upgrades; a fiber core reinforcement, Solar clean glass, a foam filled chamber and a foam wrap. These additions will certainly help with the performance and the long term durability of the window.
The Verde was at one time a specialty window that was only available through a select number of distributors. Today, however, the Verde is a popular Sunrise model that is carried by quite a few Sunrise dealers and is considered a very good vinyl window. While it's not quite up to par with their top-of-the-line Restorations window, it isn't far off.
The Sunrise Verde window, as is the case with the Sunrise Vanguard Series, is available in a variety of exterior and interior frame color options (including 6 different interior wood laminates), as well as some great hardware materials (including 3 upgraded metals). There are also a number of different glass packages, grids, screens and blind options to choose from as well.
Review By - Site Editor - Updated In 2024
Sunrise Verde Window Prices
Consumers can expect Sunrise Verde window costs to run $600 to $750 fully installed. This price range will vary by window size, upgrades and features, as well as installation type. Comparable windows include Polaris UltraWeld windows prices and the Kensington Quantum 2 model.
-- Window Itself: $375 to $500 --
-- Installation: $75 to $250 per opening --
-- Window & Installation: $600 to $750 --
» More On Sunrise Verde Costs
Sunrise Verde Window Ratings
The Sunrise Verde, with the standard features and no additional glass upgrades, will deliver a .28 U-value, .05 air infiltration and a .21 SHGC. An upgrade to a better glass package will lower these numbers, consumers can expect something like a .23 U-factor, .04 air infiltration and a .20 SHGC.
The Verde offers some very nice performance numbers for consumers looking for a high quality vinyl window that is priced a bit lower than the truly premium replacement vinyl windows.
![Home Window Image](https://www.replacementwindowsprices.com/images/windowrating.jpg.webp)
Sunrise Verde Window Warranty
The Sunrise Verde includes a Limited Lifetime warranty on the sash, frame, hardware, IGU, balances and screens. Paint color and finishes carry a 20 year provision
against blistering, cracking and peeling. There is a 10 year warranty provision on excessive color fading.
The Sunrise Verde warranty is transferrable, however you must notify Sunrise of the transfer in writing and pay a $50 transfer fee. This vinyl warranty is relatively straight forward, although there are a number of limitations and exclusions so consumers will want to read the warranty in full before their purchase.
![Home Window Image](https://www.replacementwindowsprices.com/images/windowwarranty.jpg.webp)
Sunrise Verde Window Reviews
Do you have question about the Sunrise Verde Series? Get information on industry pricing, features, upgrades, performance numbers contractor bids and much more.
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Sunrise Verde Windows Cost
Afternoon and Merry Christmas! A few things have changed since you last emailed me about a month ago...I've now narrowed it down to the following for 14 double hungs, 4 picture windows and a half/moon window (19 total) here in St. Louis, Missouri area/climate.
Wanted to get your opinion/thoughts?
1) Soft-lite Nirvana/Classic from Zen Windows - $15,400
2) Sunrise Verde - $15,468
3) Provia Endure Cost - $14,329
4) Polaris Ultraweld - $16,300
It appears that Polaris and Sunrise are the best options but wanted to get your opinion of what your #1 would be and why and what your #2 would be and why?
Thanks so much again for your help!
John - Homeowner - January, 2021
Website Editor's Answer
John, I believe you are correct that the Sunrise Verde and Polaris Ultraweld are the two best products. I don't think I can rate one over the other. For me, this would come down to the installation company. Honestly, the ProVia Endure is also an excellent window. So if the company doing this install has the best online reviews and reputation, then I'd go with them. I think the install is the bigger factor than which of these three excellent vinyl windows you choose. By the way, good for you for getting bids on such great products. Impressive.
Editor Jim R. - January, 2021