Guide To Sales Tactics & Scams

There are all sort of window sales tactics that sales people and window companies will use to get your business. Now it should be said that just because an individual or company uses one or more of the following, they don't necessarily make a bad window. However, by the same token, reputable companies that manufacture good products that they stand behind rarely feel the need to use these less than ideal tactics.

Decision Makers Must Be Present

This is a pretty common one from some of the more aggressive companies (and is certainly not limited to just window companies). It only takes one sales presentation to understand why they require all household decision makers to be present. This way, once they go through their presentation, they've got you front and center to ask if you are ready to sign on the dotted line. (We urge consumers not to sign anything until they've received a few bids and have time to compare prices and project installation details.

Great Pricing, Today Only

Many of the "all decision makers must be present" folks ask for a signed contract and then quickly go into why you should sign up today. They will use lines like "...the per window price is $800 fully installed, but if you sign with me today I can get that down to $650 with a special we are running today and the instant rebate..." There is no reason why the price of their windows and installation should differ today as opposed to next week.

Rebates, Model Homes, Neighborhood Discounts

Many companies that offer this "amazing today only pricing" have impressive sounding programs that explain why you qualify for these temporary low low prices. The details and names will vary by company because they want something that sounds different from their competition. Why do they do this? Because they don't want you to compare project bids. Is this their best price - perhaps - but it's highly likely that there is either better prices out there or better windows at the same price. Read how to save money on your replacement window projects.

Lower Installation Costs With High Volume

The big box stores will often offer what appears to be very low window and installation costs. Consumers need to be very wary of this "low cost based on volume" approach because what you end up getting is a poorly installed window. Often times, these mega stores pay their sub contractors a low per window price for installs. A good rule of thumb to replacing your windows is that it's 50% product, 50% installation - meaning you can't have one without the other. Make sure you get quality installation from installers that are made a good hourly rate and don't cut corners. You will save money in the long run!