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Harvey Storm Windows Reviews
Explore Harvey storm windows reviews, costs, and product information on the Tru-Channel, Rolling and Deadlite storm window options. In general, Harvey makes solid and durable storm windows that among some of the better in the business. Explore more on what storm windows cost. The Harvey Storm Windows gets a out of 5 star rating.
Review By - Site Editor - Updated In 2024
Harvey Tru-Channel Windows
Harvey Tru-Channel Storms have 2x weather-stripping, sash interlocks, 3x tracks, fiberglass half screen, and marine vinyl glazing. The Tru-Channel has an impressive .05 air infiltration rating. Exterior and interior frame color options include almond, white, black and bronze. Compare to ProVia storms.
-- Window Itself: $125 to $150 --
Harvey Rolling Storm Windows
The Harvey Rolling storm uses a heavy duty wool pile, marine vinyl glazing and sash locks. Exterior and interior frame color options include white and bronze. Compare to Indow window prices.
-- Window Itself: $75 to $100 --
Harvey Deadlite Storm Windows
The Harvey Deadlite storm window has an extruded aluminum frame, marine vinyl glazing and screwed corners. Exterior and interior frame color options include almond, white, black and bronze. Compare to Larsen storm windows.
-- Window Itself: $100 to $150 --
Harvey Storm Window Warranty
Harvey storm windows come with a 10 year limited warranty that covers frame, screens and all mechanical parts such as locks, sash retainers and keepers.
There are a number of exclusions that apply to this warranty so we urge consumers to always read the warranty in its entirety before purchasing these storm windows.
Harvey Storm Reviews
Do you have a question about the Harvey Storm window options? Our industry professionals can help you get more information on pricing, upgrades, installation requirements, contractor bid prices, as well as help you sort through the quotes and companies you are considering for your next window replacement project.
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