Simonton Windows vs Milgard
Compare Simonton Windows vs Milgard and see which window brand wins over the other in this head-to-head match up.
Simonton Windows & Doors - Simonton began in West Virginia, but is now based in Ohio and has been at it since the mid 1940s - so even longer than Milgard. Simonton and Milgard are roughly the same size in terms of their operation, although Simonton is available in all 50 states (I may not to revise my statement and say that Simonton is the larger operation here.) Similarly to Milgard, Simonton is owned by Ply Gem - or Cornerstone Brands - a large conglomerate. The company manufactures too many vinyl windows and doors to even name here. Three of their most popular series include the Reflections, Impressions, and Stormbreaker Plus
Reputation - Simonton's reputation is always "good" - this is a fair assessment. It's roughly on par with Milgard. I'm not sure I can rate one over the other to be honest - a very close head to head match up overall.
Milgard Windows & Doors - Milgard is mostly known as a west-half window company that has been at it since the early 1960s. Milgard is going to be a smaller operation, although both companies are mainly known for their vinyl window and door series. Milgard is no longer an independent company as they were purchased by MI (MITER) back in 2018. The company manufactures fiberglass, aluminum, and vinyl windows. Their fiberglass is called the C650 Ultra Series, their aluminum the A250 Aluminum series, and their vinyl is called the V450 Homemaker, V300 Trinsic, V400 Tuscany, and the V250 Styleline.
Reputation - Milgard's reputation is "good" - I think that is a fair assessment. I would say it is roughly on par with Simonton. I would imagine there are differing opinions on this based on personal experience. Neither has a stunning reputation like Andersen, but neither would be considered anywhere near the worst window brands on the market either.
Simonton Brand Score: 7.5 (out of 10)
Milgard Brand Score: 7.0 (out of 10)
Review By John M. - Site Editor - Updated In January, 2024
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Pros Of Simonton
» Reliable Vinyl Products
» Wide Availability
» Often Very Well Priced
» Access To From Many Contractors
More On Simonton Windows Reviews
Pros Of Milgard Windows And Doors
» Decent Brand Reliability
» Wide Availability
» Often Well Priced
More On Milgard Windows Reviews
Simonton's Popular Window Series
» Reflections 5500 (Good Vinyl Series)
» Impressions 9800 (Good Vinyl Series)
» Stormbreaker Plus (Good Impact Series)
» Innovo (Solid Vinyl Door)
Milgard's Popular Window Series
» Tuscany (Solid Vinyl Series)
» Trinsic (Solid Vinyl Series)
» Ultra (Good Fiberglass Series)
Simonton Windows Cost
» Reflections 5500 (8 out of 10 - vinyl)
» Impressions 9800 (7.5 out of 10 - vinyl)
» Stormbreaker Plus (7 out of 10 - vinyl)
» Innovo Door (7 out of 10 - vinyl)
Milgard Windows Cost
» Tuscany (7 out of 10 - vinyl)
» Trinsic (7 out of 10 - vinyl)
» Ultra (7.5 out of 10 - fiberglass)