Guide To Visible Transmittance
Our guide to visible transmittance explores how window glass transmits and/or reflects light and its effect on window ratings. Visible transmittance or VT is a measure for how much visible-spectrum light enters through a window. The higher the VT value, the more light enters through the window. The lower the VT value, the less light is trasmitted. VT is a lesser explored window rating than others such as U-factor, air infiltration and SHGC. However, visible transmittance can make a huge difference in how well light enters the home and how this affects the brightness inside.
Review By John M. - Site Editor - Updated In January, 2025
Best Visible Transmittance Ratings
The ideal VT rating is the highest visible transmittance number you can achieve, while synonymously achieving the best U-factor and SHGC numbers. So, how does this work? Typically, the best solution is a simple low-e glass, which allows a VT around 50 to 55, while still achieving good energy efficiency ratings. Generally, ere are some generic numbers consumers can expect with with various types of window glass. Clear glass will allow 78% to 84% visible-spectrum light through the window (high VT, not very efficient). Low-e II glass allows in 72% visible-spectrum light. Laminate glass allows in 79% visible-spectrum light. Lastly, a triple pane low-e 3 with a tint will allow in 48% to 54% visible-spectrum light (low VT, very efficient).
Associated Costs
Here are the associated costs with upgrading from clear glass to other glass options. As the cost goes up, the visible transmittance goes down. However, the energy efficiency of the windows improves.
Clear Glass - Included
Low-e Glass Upgrade - $75 per window
Glass Low-e II Upgrade - $100 per window
Low-e III Glass Upgrade - $125 per window
Sample VT Ratings
Here are some real world examples of visible transmittance. Of course, VT numbers change just as soon as you change up your glass package. A good rule of thumb for consumers is to ask the sames person for a list of their different glass packages and options and the accompanying VT numbers.
Amsco Vista Series » .26 VT ::: Loewen Cyprium Series » .31 VT
Alpen Zenith Series » .43 VT ::: ProVia Aeris Series » .47 VT
Soft-Lite Starmark Series » .50 VT ::: Sunrise Essentials Series » .56 VT