Soundproof Windows Cost | Replacement Windows Prices

Homeowners can expect soundproof windows cost to range from $150 to $2500 fully installed. Why the MASSIVE price range? The answer lies in the variety of options that homeowners have in tackling soundproofing their home windows.

There are very simply solutions such as plugs, more intermediate options such as inserts, and of course expensive options such as soundproof replacement windows. We'll will detail each option and provide some ballpark pricing for each. You can also check out our homeowner question and answers section found at the bottom of the page.

-- Price Range: $150 to $2,500 installed --

Soundproof Window Plugs

Soundproof foam plugs are the easiest, cheapest and quickest approach to soundproofing your windows. These foam plugs are removable hard packed foam that can be 1.5" to 3" in thickness. The foam is cut to the size of the window opening and is inserted by hand to create a snug fit. This can be done by homeowners without any expertise and therefore requires no professional installation. Once the foam plug is inserted into the opening, it blocks out (quite a bit of). Foam plugs may be available at the big box stores or through online retailers.

-- Price Range: $100 to $200 --

Foam Plug Disadvantages

Foam plugs are a quick and effective solution for blocking out noise, but they pose two significant drawbacks. The first is that they don't look great since you are basically shoving a hunk of foam into your window frame. They also block out all of the light, which might be an advantage at night (and for a good night's sleep), but they are little help during the day since they must be taken out and then reinserted each night to effectively block outside noise.

Quality Window Companies

Soundproof Window Inserts

Soundproof window inserts are placed either on the inside or inside of an existing window and work to deaden much of the outside sound. More often than not, the insert goes on the inside of the window since there is often more room to work with. In some cases, how the insert looks to the homeowner will play a role in whether it goes on the outside or inside of the existing window.

Insert frames are usually a vinyl, fiberglass or wood frame that has a thick pane of glass that is actually two panes with a thin laminated film in between to help soundproof. Inserts can be relatively cheap vinyl frames to the more expensive fiberlgass frames or even a very nice looking wood frame.

-- Price Range: $300 to $800 fully installed --

Window Insert Disadvantages

While there are advantages to inserts (they are MUCH less expensive than full replacements), there are also some disadvantages. First, they can only be used if the existing window is in good to decent shape. If the window unit is in a state of disrepair, it should probably be completely replaced to prevent any further water damage. While there are some custom insert options, not all inserts will match the existing windows - causing them to look awkward. As well, not all inserts will fit perfectly inside the window opening.

Quality Window Companies

Soundproof Replacement Windows

Soundproofing replacement windows are well made and constructed windows that can be very expensive to purchase. These units will typically have an STC rated of 40 to 50, which is a measure of how much sound they block. There are a number of ways that manufacturers achieve this, the main one being the amount of space between the two panes of glass. Normal replacements will have a distance of 1.5", while soundproof windows will have 2.5" to 3" of space between the panes.

This space between the panes is where much of the sound is effectively killed. Manufacturers also use different glass thickness between the two panes - for instance a .50" and .75" thick glass. The glass may be laminated, which blocks sound and UV rays and adds to the cost of the unit. High quality glazing, seals, spacers, glass fills and frames help to create a very solid window unit that all work together to keep out as much noise as possible.

-- Price Range: $1500 to $2,500 fully installed --

Soundproof Replacement Window Disadvantages

While these windows are great at blocking noise, they are very expensive and often times cost prohibitive. They are also quite bulky units due to the space that must be placed between the glass panes and the need for a strong and durable frame. They are, however, the best long term solution for blocking out noise and making your house energy efficient and nice and quiet.

Soundproof Windows Recommendation

Working from home has revealed three neighbor dogs that are very good at barking all day. We built cheaply 29 years ago, and have thin, metal double-pane (some seals broken) double hung. Ten (10) windows and one small semi-circle in bathroom, fixed.

Can you recommend VERY GOOD double or triple pane, perhaps laminated windows for the best sound abatement?

James - Homeowner - June, 2020

Website Editor's Answer

James, soundproof windows can be tricky in that they can be very expensive. Milgard makes a good window line called the Quietline Series. Other options include the Amsco Serenity Series, and Harvey Acoustic Series.

An option you may want to consider includes using an insert like the Indow Acoustic Window. They are relatively cheap and provide excellent sound abatement, but they are tricky when you want to open windows. Call these guys up direct -- they are really good at answering and addressing consumer needs.

One other thing to be aware of, your walls might not provide as much sound abatement as they should. You can have a company come in and do an assessment and make recommendations. This might be where I'd start to get a better overall picture of how effective windows by themselves will be.

Editor Jim R. - June, 2020

Jame's Answer

Jim, thanks for your considerate time for a thoughtful response.If possible, I will see if I can order ONE insert and judge how well I like it.

My house, we built in 1992, has metal windows. They look fine. They are just thin, double pane and not up to snuff. But I like the durability of the metal frames. Compared to what I visually see in vinyl, the vinyl appear very thick and a bit unsightly.

Am I alone in this? Is there a good replacement metal framed window?

By the way I filled out referral form. Window Nation was one I got call back from. Web reviews from various places they have some bad ones. Maybe just luck of draw from my google results. Just feedback on that for you. Indianapolis area zipcode by the way. I am still going through with a Saturday Noontime VIRTUAL meeting.

James - Homeowner - June, 2020

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